Bio: Kurt Reed

Kurt Reed on a six string

Name: Kurt Reed
Birthday: October 30
College: University of Akron
Major: Music Classical Guitar
Favorite Color: Purple
Favorite Book: The Catcher in the Rye
Favorite Movie:Fargo

My Favorite Songs

Beast of Burden – Rolling Stones
Looking Good – Magic Sam
All Apologies – Nirvana
Wicked Games – Chris Issak
All About U – 2Pac
Motorcycle Song – Arlo Guthrie


Kurt Reed’s love of music began after he discovered a collection of Elvis Presley records at his parents’ house. These early influences have drawn Kurt to the electric guitar. Reed continues to explore electric blues and roots music and has a special passion for artists such as Freddy King and Stevie Ray Vaughn.

Although Reed took several years of piano lessons, he also studied guitar with a church member in a vespers band. This was followed by playing in several bands in high school and music college. Reed graduated from The U of A in December of 2008 under the tutelage of Steve Aron with a Bachelors in Music degree emphasizing classical guitar. After playing in several local cover bands including Vinyl Replay, Trust in Me, Puzzle Box, and Second Look, Kurt found a new blues / roots original project in VERVE DADDY in 2009.

Kurt Reed owns and operates two music schools in Akron, Ohio dubbed Fairlawn and Hudson School of Music. As six degrees of separation would have it, the father of one of Reed’s students, Tom Jesser, eventually introduced Reed to John Jesser and the Verve Daddy band.

In 2015, after almost six years of playing full time with Verve Daddy, Kurt had to step away to focus on the operation of both of his music schools.