Bio: Mark Ecclestone

Marc Ecclestone belting at the mic

Name: Mark Ecclestone
Birthday: February 5
College: Bowling Green (BS)
Baldwin Wallace (MBA)
Major: Double Major – Daydreaming and Crossword Puzzles
Favorite Color: Blue
Favorite Book: Any biography of a Rock and Roller
Favorite Movie: Shawshank Redemption
Favorite Food: Pizza and Eggs (not at the same time)
Favorite Quote: “Turn it Up” – (as spoken by Ronnie Van Zant – at the Start of “Sweet Home Alabama”)

My Favorite Songs

Highway Star – Deep Purple
Tie Your Mother Down – Queen
and about 2,000 others


2016 marks the 50th anniversary of Mark buying his first bass guitar – for $40 at Uncle Bills! After trying to play the instrument left handed – so he could look like his hero – Paul McCartney, his friends reminded him he was right-handed and things improved quickly! Mark saved all his paper route money to buy a Fender bass and a Kustom amplifier at DiFiories Music House and he was off!

Mark played in a number of bands through High School and College, however after that it was career, graduate school, family, job relocations, golf and not much music other than occasionally playing his bass or guitar in the basement. A chance meeting with John Jesser in 1999 led to the possibility of being in a band again. After several years of “seeing John around” (their daughters are the same age), and saying “we should jam” – they formed Verve Daddy’s predecessor – Test of Time – in 2004 and have been together ever since.

Other interests of Mark include reading, trivia, crossword puzzles, Cleveland sports, golf, cars, and clothes, but most of all – he loves ROCK AND ROLL……as long as it was originally recorded before 1980!